Some of the following exercises use a vector (`zion_points`) and raster dataset (`srtm`) from the **spDataLarge** package. They also use a polygonal 'convex hull' derived from the vector dataset (`ch`) to represent the area of interest: ```{r 06-ex-e0, message=FALSE, include=TRUE} library(sf) library(terra) library(spData) zion_points_path = system.file("vector/zion_points.gpkg", package = "spDataLarge") zion_points = read_sf(zion_points_path) srtm = rast(system.file("raster/srtm.tif", package = "spDataLarge")) ch = st_combine(zion_points) |> st_convex_hull() |> st_as_sf() ``` E1. Crop the `srtm` raster using (1) the `zion_points` dataset and (2) the `ch` dataset. Are there any differences in the output maps? Next, mask `srtm` using these two datasets. Can you see any difference now? How can you explain that? ```{r 06-ex-e1} plot(srtm) plot(st_geometry(zion_points), add = TRUE) plot(ch, add = TRUE) srtm_crop1 = crop(srtm, zion_points) srtm_crop2 = crop(srtm, ch) plot(srtm_crop1) plot(srtm_crop2) srtm_mask1 = mask(srtm, zion_points) srtm_mask2 = mask(srtm, ch) plot(srtm_mask1) plot(srtm_mask2) ``` E2. Firstly, extract values from `srtm` at the points represented in `zion_points`. Next, extract average values of `srtm` using a 90 buffer around each point from `zion_points` and compare these two sets of values. When would extracting values by buffers be more suitable than by points alone? - Bonus: Implement extraction using the **exactextractr** package and compare the results. ```{r 06-ex-e2} zion_points_buf = st_buffer(zion_points, dist = 90) plot(srtm) plot(st_geometry(zion_points_buf), add = TRUE) plot(ch, add = TRUE) zion_points_points = extract(srtm, zion_points) zion_points_buffer = extract(srtm, zion_points_buf, fun = "mean") plot(zion_points_points$srtm, zion_points_buffer$srtm) # Bonus # remotes::install_github("isciences/exactextractr") # zion_points_buf_2 = exactextractr::exact_extract(x = srtm, y = zion_points_buf, # fun = "mean") # # plot(zion_points_points$srtm, zion_points_buf_2) # plot(zion_points_buffer$srtm, zion_points_buf_2) ``` E3. Subset points higher than 3100 meters in New Zealand (the `nz_height` object) and create a template raster with a resolution of 3 km for the extent of the new point dataset. Using these two new objects: - Count numbers of the highest points in each grid cell. - Find the maximum elevation in each grid cell. ```{r 06-ex-e3} nz_height3100 = dplyr::filter(nz_height, elevation > 3100) new_graticule = st_graticule(nz_height3100, datum = "EPSG:2193") plot(st_geometry(nz_height3100), graticule = new_graticule, axes = TRUE) nz_template = rast(ext(nz_height3100), resolution = 3000, crs = crs(nz_height3100)) nz_raster = rasterize(nz_height3100, nz_template, field = "elevation", fun = "length") plot(nz_raster) plot(st_geometry(nz_height3100), add = TRUE) nz_raster2 = rasterize(nz_height3100, nz_template, field = "elevation", fun = max) plot(nz_raster2) plot(st_geometry(nz_height3100), add = TRUE) ``` E4. Aggregate the raster counting high points in New Zealand (created in the previous exercise), reduce its geographic resolution by half (so cells are 6 x 6 km) and plot the result. - Resample the lower resolution raster back to the original resolution of 3 km. How have the results changed? - Name two advantages and disadvantages of reducing raster resolution. ```{r 06-ex-e4} nz_raster_low = raster::aggregate(nz_raster, fact = 2, fun = sum, na.rm = TRUE) res(nz_raster_low) nz_resample = resample(nz_raster_low, nz_raster) plot(nz_raster_low) plot(nz_resample) # the results are spread over a greater area and there are border issues plot(nz_raster) ``` ```{asis 06-ex-e4-asis} Advantages: - lower memory use - faster processing - good for viz in some cases Disadvantages: - removes geographic detail - adds another processing step ``` E5. Polygonize the `grain` dataset and filter all squares representing clay. ```{r 06-ex-e5} grain = rast(system.file("raster/grain.tif", package = "spData")) ``` - Name two advantages and disadvantages of vector data over raster data. - When would it be useful to convert rasters to vectors in your work? ```{r 06-ex-e5-2} grain_poly = as.polygons(grain) |> st_as_sf() levels(grain) clay = dplyr::filter(grain_poly, grain == "clay") plot(clay) ``` ```{asis 06-ex-e5-2-asis} Advantages: - can be used to subset other vector objects - can do affine transformations and use sf/dplyr verbs Disadvantages: - better consistency - fast processing on some operations - functions developed for some domains ```